Synergy - Working together for a common gaol to produce results greater than the sum of each effort - It is what we do at:
Synergistec Information Systems
Technical Writing has evolved over the years into a distinct discipline with one single purpose and that is to inform. Modern technical writing is no longer a paper-based medium, but has become a truly technological communications medium. It now consists of procuct information comveyed through User Guides, Blogging, White Papers, Videos, and Content Development. The disciplineof technical wrotong embraces Corporate communications, Product Information, and contributes to Product Value.
The meaning of Corporate Communications has changed dramatically in the past decade. Many companies have seperated the informatioon functions resulting in a lot of duplication of effort. We will combine them and save time and money.
Good product information results from employing journalistic skills, research, a sound basis in English grammar, and the ability to understand technology. When you combine this with a knowledge of graphics and organizational skills, your projects are completed on time and you achieve your communications goals.
The true value of a product is its ability to solve problems and improve the work life of the customer base. Effective marketing communications conveys that value. Identifying the wants and needs of your customers and then matching product features to those wants and needs is the task of a marketing communications writer. In addition, they must have the ability to use the available technology to convey that message in an appealing format.